Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Mathur vaish Community organization

Mathur Vaishya - Akhil Bhartiye Mathur Vaishya Samaj India

Mathur vaish  Community organization

Mathur vaish have an all India organization called Akhil Bharatiya Mathur Vaish Mahasabha which was founded in 1887 CE,(and also a women organisation called Mahila Sammelan), having its office in all big cities of India, and main offices at Agra & Jaipur. About 1970 CE, reforms were mooted in community again. It was suggested that the remarriage and rehabilitation of widows be permitted, and there was renewed demand for abolition of dowry, which continue to hurt community like double edged sword. Following are some of publications about community in Hindi language:
S. No.Name
S. No.Name
S. No.Name
01Mathurvaishya Bandhu
02Mathurvaishya Chetna
03Mathurvaishya Chitran
04Mathurvaishya Darpan
05Mathurvaishya Jagrati
06Mathurvaishya Hiteshi

Mathur Vaish as a community have progressed tremendously. Today many of them are successful too, and moving up the ladder in business graph of India. In pre-independent British India, they actively participated in freedom struggle.There were few MLA(Member of Legislative Assembly), MLC (Member of Legislative Council) and Mayor from Mathur Vaishya community, who represented the constituencies of Jhansi, Shikohabad, Fatehabad & Agra before caste polarization in Indian politics. In independent India, the initial preference among educated ones were professions of Doctor & Teacher. With the boom in outsourcing opportunities in India, Engineering has become the preferred profession among educated ones. In recent times, they are well placed in Corporate India

1 comment:

  1. Most of the young people whether boy or girl from Mathur Vaishy Community prefer engaging themselves in professional activities after having good education unlike doing their traditional business.
    A good number of professionals are employed with many reputed companies in India and abroad.Many of them are adorning the high positions in corporate world.
