Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Who Are You

Have you ever wondered just what it id that makes you,you?If all your memories were to fade away,would your identity dissolve
along with them? Would friends and family
no longer to perceive you to the same person as before? Fortunately ,science appear to suggest that being robbed of one's
memory does not equate to being robbed of
one's identity.A new study has found that 'who one is 'is largely defind by one's moral
behaviour,and not by one's memory capacity or other cognitive abilities.Thus,
although Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases may powerfully impact the mental functioning
of individuals ,sufferers can find solace
in the fact that substantial memory deficits-
when unaccopanied by changes in moral
characteristics -seem to have no effect  on
how others perceive 'who you are .'Detrmining the factors that define one'd
identity is an philosophical problem that
first received serious consideration in thr
17th century by the early British empiricist
john Locke's 'memory theory',a person's
identity only reaches as far as their memory extends into the past.

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